
Hi, I'm Jonae Michelle! I created JONAE to shed light into the hearts of each individual who engages with its products. It is my hope that each unique design will both empower and inspire you, all while providing hope.

With the days becoming more challenging, having beautiful journals to pour your heart into is important. Beautiful trinkets and stationery can go a long way in lifting your spirits while working, even if that work is on yourself. 

From guided journals that builds up the inner woman to blank journals that gives you the freedom of expression, JONAE'S goal is to provide a safe space for you to do what's needed for you, whether that's:

  • Healing/Releasing
  • Dreaming
  • Cultivating a gift
  • Planning
  • Staying organized
  • Or anything else concerning your well being 

I truly believe that journaling gives the heart a voice. What is your heart saying?